City Mile Dash is an annual lunchtime corporate speed race created by Cancer Council NSW in 2011. For those working in the fast paced corporate world of inner Sydney, it’s a chance to get active and challenge workmates, and other corporate competitors, around a 1 mile (1.6km) course in the heart of the city. The first City Mile Dash was hugely successful, attracting over 800 participants and raising over $108,000 for Cancer Council NSW. This year the number of participants had nearly doubled with just under 1400 colleagues and peers battling the short course challenge whilst nearly raising $120,000 of much needed funds.
In addition to the companies participating, various organisations supplied volunteer employees to assist in the delivery of the event.
Opposition leader Tony Abbott also dropped by to show his support to the Sydney ‘athletes’ and took to the stage for a short interview in which he encouraged everyone to keep active in daily life.
For more information on the City Mile Dash, check out:
For more information on X-tri Events check out:
Our Role
3vent Productions flew down to Sydney with a team of 3 to assist organiser X-tri Events in the set up and running of the event day.